«Мэри Бэль»



ПневмопунктураPneumopuncture is a relatively new technique that is used in cosmetic and specialist medicine. Injection of carbon dioxide is not harmful to human body, and with proper use and dosage can lead to the rejuvenation of cells, the disappearance of cellulite, draining effect, etc. in addition, the introduction of CO2… Continue reading

Cosmetic procedure: Fraxel

Косметологическая процедура: FraxelRegardless of the time a woman always wants to look beautiful and young. But time passes and can’t be seen for the former elasticity and freshness, wrinkles appear, the skin was nice and attractive complexion. Even in adolescence can be spots. In these modern times, you can carry out any… Continue reading

Elimination of defects of the skin: laser resurfacing

Устранение дефектов кожи: лазерная шлифовкаThis technique is perfect for anti-ageing effect. After this procedure, fade fine lines, pigmentation and other skin blemishes.
Fotogaleria is what is the basis of laser type resurfacing of the skin. During this process under the high temperature of the instant vaporization of tissue. Not worth paying the high cost,… Continue reading

The technique of aesthetic medicine, mesotherapy

Методика эстетической медицины: мезотерапия In aesthetic medicine mesotherapy ranks as effective therapy. The procedure is administered orally under the skin of various drugs in the smallest doses. The procedure was so named, because at the time of its implementation, in the mesodermal layer of the skin administered drugs.
The principle of this procedure is… Continue reading

The device is assistant Iontophoresis

Любимый аппарат косметологов: ИонофорезAnother kind of hardware procedures in cosmetology, which depends on low voltage. So, it all depends on skin type and concerns, you’ll be the initial treatment. For example, lifting mask, gel against pigmentation and acne. Then is applied to the skin microscopic current with the help of a joystick. This… Continue reading

Solarium: safety rules

Солярий правила безопасностиFor those who even in the cold season does not wish to abandon the sun, visiting the Solarium, we have prepared some guidelines under which the Solarium will be safe.
The principle of operation is based tanning with artificial ultraviolet light, so good for the skin will not be any,… Continue reading

Replacement of conventional make-up: permanent tattoo

Замена обычного макияжа: перманентный татуажThis procedure can a woman release each morning about 15 minutes. But still you need about the tattoo to know everything to be resolved without the risk and fear!
Makeup women can emphasize the dignity and hide flaws, to show the character, mood and even the intellectual side. Makeup makes… Continue reading

Procedures that will help you to lead a person in order. Part 2

Процедуры, которые помогут вам привести лицо в порядок. Часть 2Procedures that will help you to lead a person in order. Part sushestvuet numerous treatments, which can clear the skin. Depends on skin type and its condition. For example, masks, chemical, mechanical, ultrasonic cleaning.
The hardware cleaning. This kind of cleaning of the face, which allows not to injure the… Continue reading

Modern rejuvenation without plastic: Lifting

Современное омоложение без пластики: РадиолифтингThe cosmetology industry is quickly progressing and developing. As the demand is great in maintaining youthful – it can confirm any specialist in the field of cosmetology. The latest innovation is lifting. This procedure can easily compete with plastic surgery. Since lifting a large enough range of problem-solving. The basis… Continue reading

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Директор Центра косметологииС 1998 года медцентром управляет ее главный специалист Поленов Вячеслав Алексеевич, пластический хирург, входит в комиссию ОПРЭХ, специалист в области лазерной медицины, лауреат премии Золотой Лацент.