«Мэри Бэль»

Causes of dandruff and its treatment

Причины появления перхоти и ее лечениеSignal about disorders in the body can become dandruff. Dandruff occurs either when shortage of good care of the hair surface, or is a symptom of serious diseases.
The disease manifests itself in the peeling of skin particles. Appears on parts of the body, abundantly covered with hair. The disease is not very dangerous, but brings some inconvenience.
Dandruff is oily, dry, mixed. Dry appears from drying out the skin. Fat is formed in people whose skin is prone to increased sebum secretion. With the formation of flakes of large size, peel off bad. Hair profusely garnaut, occurs itching.
The source of dandruff can be a fungus that develops on the skin fat. The fungus is harmless, when excessive sebum secretion of the scalp develops rapidly and forms particles of dandruff.
Another reason for the formation of dandruff is an unbalanced food, dysfunction of the metabolism of the body lack of vitamins.
The use of inappropriate hygienic, cosmetic products, poor care of the scalp also cause dandruff. Abuse of a Hairdryer to dry the skin and also provokes the formation of dry dandruff.
The most common method of curing diseases is the use of therapeutic shampoos, including various active substances.
Zinc pyrithione useful antibacterial, anti-inflammatory action, it destroys the fungus.
Tar lowers the pace peeling cells, their division. Helps in cases of seborrhea, psoriasis.
Prevents formation of new scales salicylic acid. However, it overdry the skin.
Sulfate selenium destroys microorganisms, but can discolor hair.
For competent selection of the shampoo should accurately identify the source of dandruff. Will help to establish the true cause of the disease the doctor trichologist.
For the sake of prevention of dandruff should adhere to the conditions of basic sanitation. To reduce the amount of sweet, fatty, fried foods. Use only your own hygiene items. Smaller applying cosmetics. Sometimes apply a prophylactic agent. To avoid stress, sleep properly.

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