«Мэри Бэль»

Hair transplantation

Пересадка волосEveryone wants to have thick, healthy hair. Loss of hair often leads to psychological trauma, feelings of inadequacy. According to statistics, every 4th person on this planet is losing hair prematurely. The causes of baldness can be different. Men are more susceptible to baldness than women.
Today, the only way of combating hair loss is surgical hair transplantation. The procedure is based on the transplantation of hair follicles of a patient with temporal and occipital areas of the skull. The first hair transplant procedure started doing back in the 19th century. The modern treatment of hair loss is always mintransporte.
The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and lasts up to 4 hours. At the initial stage of the procedure is taken donor patch of skin, the graft is prepared.
Under local anesthesia to cut out a small area of skin with follicles from the occipital region of the head. The resulting wound is sutured. From the extracted piece of skin cut microtransplantation, each containing 1-2 follicles and mintransporte containing 3-4 follicles. This procedure is extremely difficult and laborious, because it requires extremely careful to separate the follicular units from the surrounding skin tissue. In the end, is prepared about 2 thousand grafts.
Then place prepared hair implantation. Under local anesthesia in the area of baldness is the number of micro holes under prepared grafts. This operation is generally performed by microcaliper. As received, the slit-like incisions fix grafts, aligning them with the edges of the cut. The germination of the hair from transplanted onion begins in a few months. The transplanted hair last for a lifetime.
The advantages of this method is that the procedure is performed under local anesthesia, no need for hospitalization. The head does not apply bandage, wash my hair the very next day.

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Директор Центра косметологииС 1998 года медцентром управляет ее главный специалист Поленов Вячеслав Алексеевич, пластический хирург, входит в комиссию ОПРЭХ, специалист в области лазерной медицины, лауреат премии Золотой Лацент.