«Мэри Бэль»

Hardware cosmetology

Аппаратная косметологияThe concept of hardware cosmetology is a group of cosmetic procedures for recovery and rejuvenation. Such procedures are carried out with the help of cosmetics and special devices. Modern hardware cosmetology has “adopted” a lot of different devices for a range of cosmetic procedures, so methods of effective and produce positive results.
The main advantage of modern hardware cosmetology
The main advantage of hardware cosmetology is possible to eliminate skin problems, without resorting to surgical intervention. Moreover, the achievement of significant results occurs in a relatively short time, with minimal discomfort during the procedure.
In addition, apparatus cosmetology in Moscow allows you to choose the settings individually for each patient during the procedure of healing and rejuvenation, taking into account age features. Thus, it can rejuvenate and restore the health of patients of different age categories.
Not to mention the advantage of hardware cosmetology, as the vastness and versatility, an excellent compatibility with various cosmetic remedies and other treatments. Many hardware techniques are widely used in medical and aesthetic cosmetology. Aesthetic cosmetology deals with the correction, including hardware techniques, as we have already said.
What are the procedures in the hardware cosmetology
The most popular and felt to be needed procedures in hardware cosmetology is:
laser cosmetology is a group of procedures carried out by means of a laser;
-darsonvalization – helps to virtually eliminate cosmetic problem by using pulses of alternating current of medium frequency;
-galvanotherapy – used to troubleshoot common cosmetic problems based method on the effect of galvanic current;
-cryotherapy is a method overall health with the help of modern cryosauna or karabasan;
-lymphatic drainage – used equipment that action by means of ultrasound, pulsed current, vacuum and differential pressure;
-peeling – there are two types: vacuum and ultrasound. Cleanses the skin.

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