The cabbage soup is an ancient Slavic dish included in the menu of the Slavs from the time prior to Christianity. Originally this was the name of any liquid soup. Sauerkraut has become a constant ingredient of the soup much later.
Sauerkraut supports the immune system, protects against migraines, normalizes sleep.
Cereals have always been part of the national cuisine of the Slavs.
Buckwheat is the most nutritious of all cereals. The composition of buckwheat include vitamins B2, B1, PP, E, various organic acids, starch, cellulose. Buckwheat regulates cholesterol, balances blood pressure. Porridge is perfectly willing to throw a few extra pounds. The kids need it for strong bones, optimal functioning of the nervous system.
Rice and rice porridge are hypoallergenic products. Porridge contains carotene, zinc, iodine, thiamin, vitamins PP, B. Rice contains eight amino acids, while being low calorie.
Oatmeal is a real storehouse of vitamins, fiber, protein. Oats contain fluoride, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, pectin, vitamins B2, B1. This porridge is extremely useful in treating gastrointestinal disorders. With its high content of fiber, oatmeal cleanses the stomach, normalizes the acidity. It is necessary for people in the age of the children.
Millet optimizes metabolism. The contained vitamin D strengthens nails and gives elasticity to the skin. To prevent disruptions in heart be superfluous vitamins a, B1, B2, potassium. Millet contains a lot of starch, amino acids.
Barley was the favorite cereal of Tsar Peter I. It contains lysine, which helps to resist viral infections, involved in the production of collagen. Porridge removes toxins, improves metabolism.
Semolina creates a wraparound effect, so it is often prescribed for disorders of the digestive tract. For normal, healthy people it is not very useful because it contains few vitamins and fiber.
Barley porridge cleans the body of toxins, cholesterol and contains a lot of vitamin D, PP, A. this is Extremely useful porridge diet.
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