«Мэри Бэль»



Heartburn is a disease characterized by irritation of the epithelium of the stomach due to gastric juice. Most often occurs after a heavy lunch or dinner, and at that time, when a person in the supine position. But sometimes otherwise heartburn can occur without a hearty lunch. Often this trouble can be mistaken for other ailments, for example heart ache or pain. Often heartburn is a symptom of various diseases of the stomach, but this is not always the case. Sometimes the acid gets into the esophagus and other reasons. Here are the most common ones:
– Due to excess weight.
– From Smoking.
– Due to overeating, eating on the go, copious consumption of spicy, sweet, fatty foods or chocolate. Also heartburn can cause coffee, carbonated drinks, alcohol, mint, tomatoes, citrus fruits and other foods with high acidity.
Because of the drug, such as aspirin.
Less heartburn occurs on the background of other diseases, due to tight clothing, because lifting weights or bending forward after lunch. Sometimes there is a weakening of the muscles that control the esophagus and then the acid also causes heartburn.
Symptoms of heartburn is known to many because of rare singles have not experienced them. If the burning sensation in the upper part of the abdomen, which comes up to the throat starts to bother you, especially if it occurs in the supine position or the tilt, and the belching appeared bitter, sour taste, then most likely you have just heartburn. Do not panic, if you periodically anyone can a single attack of this disease. But if heartburn occurs you regularly, and, if along with it there are other symptoms, such as cough, loss of appetite or chronic fatigue, you should consult the doctors for advice.
And if heartburn is accompanied by bloody vomiting, bloody stools, pain in the back or chest, then visit the medic should not be delayed in any case.
For heartburn stomach treatment there are now a large number of drugs that are sold without a prescription – traditionally, these drugs can be bought in any pharmacy. But it is when you need to cope with her sudden attacks. In order to avoid attacks in General, you should watch your diet, do not overeat, try not to go to bed with a full stomach and generally lead a healthy lifestyle. Smoking, alcohol and physical activity can also affect the occurrence of heartburn.

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