«Мэри Бэль»

How to relieve menopause?

dv360009aMenopause afraid of all women, regardless of their status and age. For women menopause represents a withered flower, and life after menopause seems to be very dark and foggy.

‘ll also concerned about the possible deterioration of physical health and condition during menopause, therefore, the advent of this new stage in life scares her even more. But life isn’t beautiful at any age? Especially if you clearly understand what you expect, and know what medications menopause, how to prevent the symptoms and deal with them.
What is the climax?
The aging process leads to the accumulation of problems and mutations in a woman’s body, resulting in the birth of a healthy baby becomes impossible and daunting case, therefore, the function of procreation time off.
When menopause starts off reproductive function in the female body, changes occur in the ovaries and the uterus. After the onset of menopause in women cease menstruating, reduced number of sexual organs, it becomes impossible conception.
Changes in hormonal background lead to unpleasant feelings, for example, tides of blood to the head, sweating, racing heartbeat and pressure, the temperature of the body and so on. In addition, begin to deteriorate your hair, skin, skeleton.
How to relieve menopause?
For relief of menopause should be entered in the body the required amount of hormones as suffering appear due to their scarcity. But editing hormonal should be done very carefully, not all so is simple – in addition to the main effect of prolonging youth, women, hormones can bring a lot of trouble.
For many years doctors study the alternate action of hormones at menopause, the result concluded that insomnia treatment for menopause, and treatment of other symptoms of hormonal therapy has many disadvantages, increasing the risk of diseases such as breast cancer, myocardial infarction and stroke.
Fearing such complications, many women do not want to treat menopause hormones, but to grow old no one wants, so the doctors have found an alternative.
Nature has created a huge amount of female organisms, and many of them have hormones that are appropriate to our female body. Even our grandparents were famous fruit and plants can add beauty and youth, on the bottom and drew the attention of our scientists. We are currently developing drugs, doctors are going to get extracts from plants, to create a women’s drug, effective at the climax.

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