«Мэри Бэль»

Medical cosmetics: what is it?

Лечебная косметикаMedical cosmetics are called cosmetic drugs whose action is directed not only to care for your hair and skin but also for treatment. Medical cosmetics sometimes also called dermatological or drugstore, and pharmacists often passed about 20 years ago the term “cosmeceuticals” – a compound word “pharmacy” and “cosmetics”.

Dermatological cosmetics has special healing properties, which contribute to the treatment and healing of various dermatological disorders. In drugstore cosmetics is strictly prohibited the use of hormones, antibiotics and other substances that belong to the category of drugs. Means of treatments designed to heal damaged or care of sensitive skin, so it is necessarily the minimum content of fragrances and preservatives, and in some means generally there.
Composed of medical cosmetics has special medical components, so its use should be in accordance with the recommendations of the duration and dosage, indications for use, and so on. Drugstore cosmetics, unlike conventional cosmetics, do not impact negatively on the containment, care of water-mineral balance of the skin, protecting it with a thin film. Such action is especially important for residents of large cities, as the drugs cosmeceuticals will protect the skin from stress and the environment.
Medical cosmetics is different from drugs that can affect the problems from outside not inside. Be sure it is worth noting that medical cosmetics are safe for healthy people, does not harm the body, while having excellent decorative and cosmetic properties.
As a rule, medical cosmetics is used for skin care with various problems – sensitivity, dryness, acne and so on. The majority of medical cosmetics can cope with many age-related changes of the skin: age spots on hands and face wrinkles.

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Директор Центра косметологииС 1998 года медцентром управляет ее главный специалист Поленов Вячеслав Алексеевич, пластический хирург, входит в комиссию ОПРЭХ, специалист в области лазерной медицины, лауреат премии Золотой Лацент.