«Мэри Бэль»

Perfect legs in dress shoes

Идеальные ножки в модельной обувиPits or bumps on legs about this issue knows almost every third woman. Manifestations of cones on the feet is: blisters, sore feet, corns. You can’t wear your shoes. Often these symptoms on your feet begin in 40-50 years, but there are moments that begin to show the bumps on the feet of young girls. But men such problem almost bypassed, such as the problem of the integrity of the stop appears due to any injuries of the joints.
People who suffer from this disease, try to wear comfortable, soft and loose shoes. And the main in the Shoe is flat sole. If the illness is running, if necessary in the area of bone incisions, as the shoes does not fit the width. Over time, in the area of the finger joint is growing in size and now it is necessary to abandon the model boots and shoes. Because over time the pain will be more and more often.
What are the reasons for the integrity of the joint?
Many experts believe that the reasons could be: almost daily wearing sneakers and dress shoes with high heels, bad heredity, excess weight, flat feet. Even reason is technical progress, as people used to love to walk barefoot on the green grass and the earth, and now almost around the asphalt. The cause of the pressure distribution on the whole foot feet. Almost more than half of the world population suffers from this disease. The inhabitants of the continent of Africa was more fortunate than our women, as they constantly go barefoot and do not know and have not seen this problem.
Идеальные ножки в модельной обувиWhat is surgical intervention in solving the problem stop?
Before in the olden times, these bumps just simply cut out or removed. But after this treatment they were formed again, the pain intensified, had to do another surgery. That is, when conventional surgery to remove lumps problem is not solved. Even after this operation the toes rasplachivayutsya. In order to get rid of such problems by adopting more modern and radical methods. To use the correction of foot joints and bones. After her first operation, the position and structure. Speaking in simple words, the surgeon when sawing bone sends them on their proper place and reinforces Sarapiqui or plates. On one leg operation will take approximately one hour. Use local or General anesthesia. Anesthesia depends on the deformation problems and wishes of the patient.
The recovery period.
Months until healing is complete you don’t have to lie, the next day you will make on its feet. After you have, is specialized shoes for the entire month. With the use of such shoes bearing on the heel is redistributed finger protection from impacts. With such shoes you find that easier. In the hospital you will have to stay from one week to one month. It all depends on your bones, how fast they will rasiwasia. And here you can visit two months later, after I learn how to walk again. For six months you have to give up high heels, dress shoes. After you’ll be able to run in high heels. The problem calluses and corns will no longer appear in your life.

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