«Мэри Бэль»

Recommended blepharoplasty


Timely eyelid surgery – the beauty and youthfulness of the eye

Attractiveness and youthfulness for women are one of the main priorities in life. In the pursuit of beauty we are sitting on a hard diet, apply tons of makeup, spend lotsa money on expensive clothes. But often to no avail. But just need to know that the most vulnerable places are the eyes. They give tired whether a girl happy is she, and of course, her age. If You have some problems with it easily will help blepharoplasty. This is a special operation, which aims to improve the appearance of the century, to remove excess skin and tighten the circular muscles of the eye. Every year more and more women are turning to this operation, because the fastest on our face are aging eyelids. But do not despair because eyelid surgery is safe and accessible to almost everyone.
Recommended blepharoplasty

This procedure is best carried out after 30 years. Signs may be excess skin on the upper or lower eyelids, wrinkles, flabby muscles, bags under the eyes and any other aesthetic flaws in the eyelid area. But of cause for despair not, because only one eyelid blepharoplasty will correct all imperfections without harm for health.
What problems are solved eyelid

There are 4 types of age-related changes, so each operation and the procedure selected for the patient individually. There are several ways of eyelid and depending on the age and the need for correction of the upper or lower eyelid choose a particular technique. For young patients who have no excess skin, use a transconjunctival blepharoplasty. Also if there is a deepening in the area of the lacrimal groove,you can use fat autograft, which can greatly improve the aesthetic appearance of the face.
Among the problems that can be solved by blepharoplasty and the so-called exophthalmos. Those are the cases when the eyeball is displaced, and a t the effect of bulging eyes.
Usually surgery for eyelid rejuvenation takes from 30 minutes to 2 hours. If the operation is performed under local anesthesia, the patient can leave the clinic a few hours after the operation, in other cases it is necessary to conduct in the chamber about a day. You should not worry about side effects. Because the maximum You can get is unpleasant sensations in the eyes for a very short time and minor bruising and swelling, which will soon be held. But after the surgery You will receive a welcome rejuvenation of the eyes for a long period, and perhaps forever, depending on the individual characteristics of Your body.

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