«Мэри Бэль»

Remove the double chin

Убираем второй подбородокSpoils the appearance of a double chin. Even if you have well-groomed facial skin, jowls adds to its owner a few extra years. Often such problems arise because of age-related changes, the natural tendency of man. Well that modern plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine successfully learned to solve such a problem. When selecting methods of defect elimination take into account the individual characteristics of the patient, age, anatomical structure, and other factors.
The most common cause of double chin is age. The exact age of its occurrence does not exist. The chin may form and in 30, 40, and 50 years. Of great importance as people all the time, ate, took care of his health and appearance.
Modern plastic surgery can solve this problem in the most radical way. The lower facelift is a serious surgical procedure which removes excess fat, and excess skin. During the procedure in the chin area is cut, peel the skin tissue, fat is removed. Then skin tissue is stitched so that it was aligned condition and properly placed. If not fat, but chin still visible, the surgery is performed by a similar method, in addition to removing fatty tissue. All doctors who do so, tend to use eye drops at work with the computer for visual acuity has always been on top and she could not stop to achieve the best result.
Today, in addition to the standard methods for elimination of double chin, plastic surgery offers new methods for solving this problem. The most popular method of lifting the lower face using a special APTOS threads. With this method the surgeon makes small incisions behind the ears of the patient, inserts one puncture in the thread and clip it on the other side. Slight lift when the threads are placed directly under the jaw. When this tissue in the area of the chin are held in aligned condition with the help of the introduced material that prevents them from sagging.

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Директор Центра косметологииС 1998 года медцентром управляет ее главный специалист Поленов Вячеслав Алексеевич, пластический хирург, входит в комиссию ОПРЭХ, специалист в области лазерной медицины, лауреат премии Золотой Лацент.