«Мэри Бэль»

Tattoo removal with the help of plastic surgery

Удаление татуировок с помощью пластической хирургииSince then, how did the tattoo, ever since occurred and the problem of its removal. Due to the fact that a tattoo is a very stable structure, remove it very difficult.

The most ancient and simple ways to remove tattoos were and still are mechanical ways to remove pieces of skin with a tattoo. Such methods leave scars. In addition, there is a risk of infectious diseases.
It is clear that many previously very wary of tattooing, because they are virtually impossible to remove. And so went with a tattoo, after all, a picture or text box where aesthetically pleasant appearance than the scar.
With the development of medicine, including plastic surgery, methods of tattoo removal have become more humane and civilized. In our country many plastic clinic remove the tattoo so that there is the slightest trace.
So, plastic surgery offers several methods of tattoo removal.
The first way is long and not too pleasant. Removes a narrow strip of skin, of a width not exceeding 1 cm with a part of the engraved image. Then the edges of the skin are drawn together and fastened inner beauty seams. If the picture is not big enough for one or two operations. And if the picture is larger, then note it may take years, because the strip of skin removed can not be more than 1 see the Aesthetics of this method depends solely on the skill of the surgeon, the more professional the doctor, the more noticeable will be the seam, but the more expensive it will cost this operation.
The second way is skin grafting. This method is also divided into two methods.
When you first removed a large piece of skin with a tattoo, and in its place is transplanted another piece of skin without tattoos. In this case, the skin is taken from the patient from the back or buttocks.
The disadvantage of this method is that both pieces of skin are removed completely. This breaks down intradermal vessels that supply the skin. Therefore, when replanting is required to hold the plastic vessels. This method is about 30% of cases are not effective, because the transplanted skin dies. The result is that the patient has instead of one two tattoos scar on the site of the tattoo and the place was taken skin for transplantation.
The second method is more complicated, but it gives a 95% successful operations. Next to the tattoo make the cut. Under the clear skin area near the figure is inserted pear with gel and the incision is closed with sutures. In pear periodically swap the gel, resulting in the skin over the pear grows. After a couple of months there is a large leather pocket.
Then the blower pulls, cut a piece of leather with a picture, and in its place sew a flap of skin, the “grown” is near. Edge stitch the cosmetic sutures. The vessels of the skin are not damaged, which gives a good percentage survival rate.

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