«Мэри Бэль»

The youth with the help of a unique technique: akvadermagenez

Молодость при помощи уникальной методики: аквадермагенез The beautiful half of humanity dream that aging stopped. But alas it is almost impossible. But there are many techniques that can help to regain and maintain the youthfulness of the face. One of them is akvadermagenez. This procedure was examined by scientists for many years. Now the procedure has become public property.
This unique method, which contains the quality of hydrolifting and biopilinga. First of all, with the help of bioapatite provides deep pore cleansing. Biobrain is a fruit seed powder. It will help to get rid of stress, environmental influences and aging. The result on the face. For example, increase elasticity and blood circulation, the complexion, the face fights against aging. After this procedure the skin requires moisture. The skin is saturated with the help of nutrients that comes from the microscopic jets. The nutrient consists of mineral salts, vitamins, plant extracts and nourishing complex. The composition is determined by the doctor.
This procedure not only pleases patients, and cosmetologists. This procedure is the most modern and effective to date. It should be noted that the procedure is as pleasant and pain.
Молодость при помощи уникальной методики: аквадермагенез Before proceeding to the modern procedure, the skin is disinfected and a relaxing massage. Session duration about an hour. This procedure can be done with an interval of 4 months. And that was a stunning effect that it should take up to 10 sessions. After it throughout the month to be in the tanning bed and be wary of direct sunlight.
Akvadermagenez can be compared to peeling, but then the expanded range of issues. For example, peeling, enlarged pores, wrinkles, aging skin, dark spots, oiliness, etc. But, as with all cosmetic procedures has contraindications. For example, critical days, tumors, herpes, sores and inflammation, pregnancy, breastfeeding.
If you decided to make a modern procedure, you should consult a cosmetologist. This hardware procedure does not include surgical intervention. During enjoyers procedure, your skin will be enriched with nutrients. The your skin will Shine with health.

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