«Мэри Бэль»

Who is a cosmetologist?

Кто такой косметологCosmetologist is qualified, the principal activity of which is the care of body and face his patient, although it is more correct to say the client. In most cases, this profession involves dividing into several branches, which are available in modern cosmetology. One of the most popular cosmetologists are those professionals who specialize in aesthetic cosmetic procedures. Their duties include conducting a simple but very effective cosmetic procedures that improve the patient’s appearance, making it more aesthetically pleasing. For example, they are painted eyebrows, hair, eyelashes, carry out cleaning of the face and skin, are waxing, body wraps and massages. These experts come to mind all those who hear the word cosmetologist. However, having quality education cosmetology in Moscow, they can perform very complex procedures with physical therapy cosmetology, if it is required of them. However, traditionally this involved hardware cosmetologists, which belong to a separate branch of cosmetology. They are working to improve the external data and maintaining the body in good shape with the help of various cosmetic equipment and advances in modern science.

The third branch of cosmetology include the beauticians and dermatologists who are engaged primarily in the diagnosis, and then solving the problems with human skin. They are able without any difficulty to determine the skin type of the patient, her tone and condition, problems and causes of skin problems. In addition to problems and diseases, these cosmetologists are able to relieve a person from unwanted external skin defects, for example, they easily you remove a mole or pigmented.
Plastic surgeons also relate to cosmetology. They take the case, when the problem can only be solved by surgery. In addition, they engage in various aesthetic improvements to the appearance, which is not available for ordinary cosmetologists, because of the need for education of the surgeon.
Those who wish to learn the profession of a surgeon, you need the following qualities: accuracy, patience, fine motor coordination, cleanliness. Also needed is such a thing as sociability – cosmetologists often have to communicate with clients directly.

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