Burn injury in children continues to be an urgent problem, as evidenced by the substantial number of publications in our country and abroad.
However, many aspects of this process to date seem far from a final resolution, continually attract the attention of surgeons pediatricians. Perhaps the most contradictory views on surgical treatment of deep burns in children, and what prompted us to analyze their own clinical material.
The basis of this work was the analysis of case histories of 98 children aged from 6 days to 14 years, operated on for deep burns in the regional clinic of pediatric surgery (1983-1985).
In just the last three years we have under observation were 449 children. The proportion of children with deep burns (3-B and 4 degrees) was 22.1 (98 children). Age composition the following children up to year 9, from 1 year to 3 years — 30, from 3 to 7 years — 17 children older than 7 years of age — 42.
Lesion area deep burns to 10 met at 42, 10-19 — 43, 20-29 — 10, over 30 — 3 children. Died 20 children, which was 4.4 to the total number of burned patients.
In the treatment of children with burn disease, there are many tasks that a rational decision which largely determines further outcomes a little patient, the fate of the transplanted skin. Note that the younger the patient is, the more active, and must be flexible surgical tactics. Agree with the I. G. Graceway that contraindications for surgical treatment of children with extensive and deep burn wounds practically does not exist.
In the complex treatment of burn disease among children leading role autoplastichesky closure of wound (when the depth of the lesion 3-B and 4 of article).
The choice of method of autoplastic determined by the patient, changes in the wound area and the location of the wound in relation to functional stakeholders surfaces of the body.
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