The dignity of petteripetteri – treatment plants. Like any other treatment, it has its advantages and disadvantages. By the way, this kind of medicine for thousands of years, and still it remains the most unexplored. In America has created a center for complimentary medicine, which studied the effect of plants on the human body. However, learning still.
But we should not forget that many modern pharmaceutical drugs created on the basis of medicinal plants. That is, in this case herbal medicine are directed, rather than on treatment, and disease prevention. The same aspirin that all perceive as normal febrifuge, made on the basis of extracts from white willow bark, but healers well-known properties of this plant. Many cardiac funds created on the basis of common wild herbs that can be found on any meadow.
Advantages of herbal medicine is that herbs have no side effects. Moreover, they have on the body a complex action. An example is the drug juglone, which is not medicinal, but, nevertheless, has on people is a significant healing effect.
Medicines based on herbs and plants are successfully fighting chronic diseases and ease the human condition. In order to buy this drug, do not need a doctor’s prescription. Just go to any pharmacy and buy. Yes and herbs are much cheaper than pharmaceutical drugs.
But there are also disadvantages of herbal medicine. For example, using herbs none of the most skilled witch doctor won’t cure appendicitis, heart attack or fracture. In addition, dosing even drugs based on medicinal herbs should be very careful. Otherwise, you can cause significant harm. The same Uralic price which is lower than the chemical counterparts, when peredozirovka may lead to negative consequences.
So do not forget that herbs are drugs, and therefore the requirements must be made relevant.
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